
《风景园林》2023-08刊首语 | 郑曦:公共空间更新设计

郑曦 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2023年第8期 P8-9


Renewal Design of Public Space





Public space is an important component of urban fabrics. Traditional Chinese cities feature connections between compound courtyards and nature, with the connection between such courtyards as well. The courtyards serve both as private spaces for families and semi-public areas for social gatherings and community activities. The courtyards are characterized by elaborately designed natural and humanistic landscapes, such as rockeries, water features, plants, and scenery-describing couplets and plaques. Ranging from courtyards to streets and markets, and from canals to numerous bridge-side environments and further to out-of-town scenic areas, many coherent and interconnected systems are established for nature in cities as well as for sceneries in nature. Obviously, public life goes throughout them. “Get drunk in the garden from east to the west, and seek flowers all the way from south to the north” (Couple’s Retreat Garden). “At the beginning of the late spring, I met at Lanting Pavilion in the north side of Shanyin city, Kuaiji County for the ceremony of purification. All celebrities came, so did children and their fathers” (The Orchid Pavilion Preface). Therefore, the public natural space is showcased in different scenes of life both inside and outside cities, no matter whether their property is a courtyard, or a marketplace or a scenic area. Generally, they are an avenue of gathering and a place of life.

The origin, development and evolution of urban public space are subject to the influence of various historical, social and cultural factors. Public squares and markets were already the center of ancient cities, as well as the location for social interaction, trade, governance and cultural activities. These spaces reflected the then-current social structure. “Agorá” in the ancient Greece was a physical space for gatherings and events to take place, thus becoming synonymous with the concept of “public space” in ancient Greek society. It was an important part of the civic life of the city-states, providing a room for community interactions and idea exchanges, while shaping the social structures and public identities. In the medieval period, urban public space remained essential, and town squares were the gathering places for community events and trades. With the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, the design of public spaces attached more emphases on aesthetics, symmetry and humanism. The Industrial Revolution delivered huge changes to cities, but urbanization has led to overcrowding and poor living conditions, driving the need for public health and social reforms. In response to these challenges, public parks were created to provide green spaces for relaxation and amusement. The design of public spaces in the 19th century emphasized order, hygiene and efficient transportation. Modernism influenced the urban planning in the 20th century,with focuses on the functional separation of spaces, specialized areas for housing, work and entertainment were created. However, some of these planning strategies resulted in isolated and incoherent public spaces. In the late 20th century, planning was shifted to certain more inclusive and participatory approaches, place-making became an important concept, which stressed communities’ involvement in the design and revitalization of public spaces. The purpose was to create more vibrant, convenient and humane urban areas. Over recent years, people have paid increasingly more attention to sustainable urban development as well as resilience in response to climate change. The evolution of urban public space maps the ever-changing social needs, values and ideologies along the history. Developing from ancient meeting places to modern, inclusive and sustainable spaces, public areas remain an important element to facilitate communities, cultures and urban life.

Public spaces are the living rooms of our cities, as well as the place for people to gather and get connected. As cities continue to grow and change, the renewal of public spaces delivers a significant impact on the structural update of cities, while becoming a key strategy for improving the livability and functionality of urban environments. Through the renewal of urban public space systems, better urban forms can be forged. For example, green infrastructure can be integrated into the renewal planning of public spaces. Urban biodiversity and air quality can be enhanced, opportunities can be provided for people to connect with nature in the urban environment; and a balanced urban ecosystem can be created. Public space systems with a focus on walkability and active transport shall be designed. Encouraged for public engagements and shared governance and enjoyment, the participatory residents are more likely to value and care for the renewed public spaces and foster a management sense based on coexistence of nature and cities. By integrating these strategies, the renewal of urban public spaces can promote the harmonious coexistence of nature and cities. 

Public spaces are the bazaars of this time, where all social, political and economic life takes place. The design of public spaces should motivate, engage and improve the lives quality of those who use them. In the future-oriented cities, public spaces will be transformed into smart and inter-connected environments, where advanced digital infrastructure will be seamlessly integrated, so that they get more interactive, responsive and informative. In the future, the smart and inter-connected public spaces will be dynamic and adaptive, so as to meet the diverse needs and preferences of urban communities and boost urban experience. The renewal design of public spaces can be a catalyst for more vibrant, sustainable and inclusive cities of the future.


Editor-in-chief: Professor ZHENG Xi


August 1, 2023



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 李清清

审核 曹娟







